Barcelona, tourist destination. A century of images and public promotion
tourism, tourist destinationAbstract
The study of the tourist image, although a relatively new field within tourism, has been given a great boost in recent years. Already in the late 1970s Miossec argued that a tourist destination is nothing but an image, a mental representation. It must be assumed that these are not innocent images and that they are charged with the ideologies of their promoters. Taking into account the very nature of the tourist event (in the sense that it is produced and consumed in the same place and at the same time) means that a tourist landscape does not exist before this representation is created (Chadefaud, 1987). Thus, the tourism industry is based on the production, distribution and marketing of images (Pereiro, 2011). At the beginning of the last century, Muntañola argued that the prestige of a territory depends on its tourist prestige
Chadefaud, M. 1987 Aux origines du tourismedans les Pays de l’Adour: du mythe à l’espace: un essai de géographiehistorique. Pau: Département de géographie et d’aménangement de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour: Centre de Recherche sur l’impact sociospatial de l’aménagement.
Euromonitor International. 2013 Top 100 Cities Destination Ranking.Recuperado 20 mayo 2013, desde - 100 - cities-destinationranking.html
Miosec, J.M. 1976 Elementspour une theorie de l’espacetouristique. Aix en - Provence: Centre des Hautes ÉtudesTouristiques.
Muntañola, A. 2004 Organització turística de Catalunya. Barcelona: Turisme de Barcelona, 2004. Barcelona: ArtsGràfiquesL’Estampa, 1932. [Facsímil]
Pereiro, X. 2011 “El turismo como patrimonio cultural imaginario. Reflexiones a partir del caso de turismo kuna (13 - 26)”.
En Prats, L., Santana, A. (coord.). Turismo y patrimonio. Entramados narrativos. El Sauzal: Pasos edita.
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