Stamps, tourism and gastronomy: The role of gastronomy in the tourist promotion of Spain through stamps




postal stamps, gastronomy, tourism, identities, spain


The aim of this article is to analyze the role of postage stamps as instruments for tourism promotion, with gastronomy as a representative motive for travel . To do this, we will analyze the case of the emissions of stamps with these characteristics in Spain, from the first representations,at the end of the eighties of the XX century, through to present times. Through the proposed analysis, we will observe, on the one hand, the use and evolution of these images in their relationship, both with what they represent and with their social uses and values, and their interest as a tourist attraction. We will also observe the intimate relationship between the gastronomic motifs of the stamps and various different moments in the recent history of Spain and their correlation with institutional policies.



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How to Cite

Medina, F. X., & Navarro Oltra, G. (2018). Stamps, tourism and gastronomy: The role of gastronomy in the tourist promotion of Spain through stamps. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(4), 927–938.


