Participatory tourism planning in rural communities: comparative study between the ethnic communities of Castrolanda, Entre Rios and Witmarsum in Paraná, Brazil
Comunidades, TurismoAbstract
This article aimed to do a comparative study by analysis of the tourism development processes involving elements inherent in participation in three ethnic communities located in the State of Paraná (Brazil), Castrolanda, Entre Rios and Witmarsum. To that used as methodological procedures: a) bibliographical research; b) Documental research and interviews in the communities; c) analysis of data by means of theoretical-practical pairing on the basis of the principles of design by Ostrom (2011); and d) comparative analysis from Bloch (1983). From the analysis and cross-it was possible to achieve the overall objective of the research, inferring on the peculiarities and difficulties involving the organization and development of tourism so as participatory.
Keywords: Communities; Tourism; Participatory tourism planning; Paraná (Brazil).
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