Wine tourism and wine routes in Catalonia. Case analysis: D.O. Penedès, D.O. Priorat and D.O. Montsant
wine toruism, penedés, piorat, montsant, CataloniaAbstract
The aim of this article is to analyse comparatively three Catalan D.O.: Montsant, Penedès and Priorat. After this three cases we can observe two different types of touristic wine promotion: one of them, emergent and with an interesting projection of future, with small and medium cellars who produc- es high quality wines; the other example is a known destination in process of establishment and matura- tion with a strong influence of multinational enterprises. After this two examples we can analyse the state of the art and the problem of the wine tourism in both destinations, trying also to do different re- commendations.
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