Opinion on a tourism crisis: media culture behind the scenes
tourism, opinions, tourism crisis, content analysisAbstract
This article examines the attitude of 15 tourism executives interviewed to complete a press report published by the newspaper La Provincia of Palmas de Gran Canarias city. Using the techniques of content analysis, it aims to investigate the real emaning of tourism’s crisis that was unfolding on the island Gran Canaria. The findings show that the interviewed executive, all of ehom work on a decision making level, minimize their share of responsability for the tourism’s crisis and for the oversupply of tourism accommodations. They also try to persuade the readers that the responsibility for this crisis should attributed to other sectors and not to the internal decisions and the external factors related to the commercialization of the Canarian “touristic product”. The postulated hypothesis that “what is transmit- ted is the feeling that something is being held back and not everything is said” can be thus generally confirmed.
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