September 11 and the theory of risk perception
Risk, Perception, Fear, September 11, Tourist DestinationAbstract
The variables that converge in tourism as a mass-activity and social institution are manifold as well as those problems which jeopardize its well-functioning. Even though, terrorist attacks have been presence in the past as a way to vindicate certain politic protagonism, it was no before than 11 Septem- ber where scholars considered the risk perception as a prolific theory capable to explain the turbulent time we are now living. The future of this wave seems to be uncertain for Spanish native speakers. In a moment characterized by a crucial shift because of the advent of a new millennium, there is a prolifera- tion not only of risks but also of anguishes and fears. Under such a context the present piece has focused on a synthesis of the main contributions of risk perception theory applied on travels at the same time it does not loose the sight on the troublesome aspects this theoretical perspective is unable to resolve.
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