Theoretical-methodological foundations of identity: A categorical introspection for tourism studies
Identity, Tourism, Culture, Methodology, Tourist StudiesAbstract
The present article presents a theoretical-methodological proposal that responds to the emptiness of knowledge about empirical approaches to the theme of identity from the tourist discipline. In order to do so, it analyzes both theoretical and conceptual contributions, as well as methodological approaches to the issue of identity. Based on a thorough review of bibliographic material specialized in social sciences, the theoretical contributions on identity are deconstructed; the purpose was to know the subcategories and indicators that comprise it, to take them back as support for this proposal. Into the principal findings it is showed that the identity of tourist research presents a direct link with culture and it patrimonial representations. The conclusion is that the object of study presents an structural and functional dynamic that demands to resize the existing methodological paradigms to analysed and understand the nature of a dynamic and complex phenomenon.
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