Sustainability, Health and wellness tourism, Thermal spas, Quality of life and Wellbeing, Destination Management, Natural EnvironmentsResumo
This work presents new practices that can be followed in health and wellness tourism destinations, with a greater focus on promoting human wellbeing, based on the strategy presented for the Caldas da Cavaca Thermal Spa Resort in Portugal. In this study, the methodology used was based on empirical data collection. Four techniques were used, namely a benchmarking strategy, complemented by questionnaires to managers of thermal spas, and a questionnaire survey aimed at the clients and manager of Caldas da Cavaca. In this strategy, a set of 40 strategic actions were defined. These actions are in line with the policies and strategies defined by public decision-making international, national, regional and local organizations. In this sense, with regard to the promotion of quality of life and wellbeing, it is possible to highlight 14 measures that strengthen this orientation. It should position itself as an innovative, attractive thermal wellness destination that invites to a healthy lifestyle, in a calm and peaceful environment in interaction with nature.
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