Is it still valid the paradigm of sustainable tourism? Insights from the recent literature


  • Juan Ignacio Pulido Fernández
  • María de la Cruz Pulido-Fernández



Sustainable tourism, Sustainable deveopment, Sustainabilty, Tourism goernance


Sustainability has become a recurring term in the political agenda of most governments and international organizations, as well as documents of tourism companies, NGOs and, of course, on the agenda of researchers. However, there is widespread awareness that, in general, little real progress has been made in sustainability, and particularly in the field of tourism. These few advances suggest that this is a utopian concept, referred to an unattainable harmonious state and therefore it should be abandoned as soon as possible, avoiding an unnecessary opportunity cost. In this article the current state of the debate is discussed, especially with regard to sustainable tourism. This study raises a set of arguments to justify the current need to apply the paradigm of sustainable development in tourism field. 


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How to Cite

Pulido Fernández, J. I., & Pulido-Fernández, M. de la C. (2015). Is it still valid the paradigm of sustainable tourism? Insights from the recent literature. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(6), 1315–1335.


