Information technology in tourism agencies: an analysis of how agencies are using this resource to stay competitive


  • Adriana Gomes de Moraes



Information technology, Travel agency


The development of technology of information for trade of tourism especially the travel agency and hotel undertaking are going one  instrument fundamental for competitive  require actually. The present study to pretend identify which  are the types  technology of information are use for travel agency that surround the micro region   of associate of cities the region of foz the river Itajai (Amfri) and what form are used for travels agents for competitive vantage. The method used went the research of descriptive. Conclude in this research that the travel agent understand to get TI enough for to maintain competitive in the market however  we believe that use every types of  technology for the sector go back every days indispensable for to maintain in the actual market.


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Author Biography

Adriana Gomes de Moraes

Adriana Gomes de Moraes.   Mestre em Turismo e Hotelaria-Univali. Bacharel em Turismo-Unioeste.


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How to Cite

Gomes de Moraes, A. (2007). Information technology in tourism agencies: an analysis of how agencies are using this resource to stay competitive. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(2), 163–173.