Reflection on the case of Argentine airlines: symbolic and identity functions in the process of being national


  • Maximiliano Korstanje



Symbol, Aerolineas argentinas, Nacionalism


The products and services have attributes, signs and symbols that fulfill a distinctive function. Nevertheless, there are some of them that come out of this dynamics and become a part of wider and complex processes as the nationalism. How to understand the case of Aerolíneas Argentinas? This ques- tion will be answer using secondary statistical and journalistic sources.


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Author Biography

Maximiliano Korstanje

Maximiliano Korstanje es Licenciado en Turismo por la Universidad de Morón, Pcia. De Buenos Aires, Argenti- na. (2002) y candidato a Doctor en Psicología Social  por la Universidad John. F. Kennedy, Buenos Aires, Argentina (2008-2010). En la actualidad se desempeña como docente de VATEL. Escuela Internacional en Administración Hotelera y Turística. (École Supérieure Vatel). Executive MBA in International Hotel Management.


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How to Cite

Korstanje, M. (2008). Reflection on the case of Argentine airlines: symbolic and identity functions in the process of being national. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(1), 97–107.