Interpreting the genesis of rest: an approach to the myths and rituals of tourism
myths, rituals, atonement, holidaysAbstract
The myths and the rituals have been analyzed during a lot of time by the anthropology. How- ever, few of them are linked to the processes of rest and to the logic of the work. The following article seeks to be a novel contribution, to the function of the vacations like ritual processes of atonement. The state of art is based on two Mircea Eliade works -titled Myth and Reality, published in 1968; and The Myth of the Eternal Return, re-printed in 2006.
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Fuentes Publicadas Antiguo Testamento. 1960. Versión Reina Valera.
Nuevo Testamento. 1960 Versión Reina Valera. El material puede ser hallado en y fue consultado el 26-09-2007.
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