Post Hoc Tourist Segmentation with Conjoint and Cluster Analysis


  • Sérgio Dominique Ferreira Lopes
  • Antonio Rial Boubeta
  • Jesús Varela Mallou



Market Segmentation, Conjoint Analysis, Clusters Analysis, Tourist Preferences


In the present work, the authors want to illustrate the advantages of the combined use of the Conjoint Analysis and the Cluster Analysis in market segmentation. The benefits are easily understand- able since the Conjoint Analysis allows researchers to know the structure of the consumer’s preferences and the Cluster Analysis allows grouping those consumers by their preferences. So, with the enormous diversification that characterizes tourism, it doesn’t make sense segmenting market with a priori proce- dures. It’s preferable to carry out a post hoc segmentation in order to know more detailed and relevant information like tourists preferences (estimated with the Conjoint Analysis). This procedure creates a competitive advantage. Hence, segmenting markets based on the preferences of consumers allows re- searchers and professionals to better evaluate which the real preferences are (by clusters) and to better develop marketing strategies that better suit the consumers’ preferences.


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Author Biographies

Sérgio Dominique Ferreira Lopes

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Antonio Rial Boubeta

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela

Jesús Varela Mallou

Universidad de Santiago de Compostela


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How to Cite

Ferreira Lopes, S. D., Rial Boubeta, A., & Varela Mallou, J. (2009). Post Hoc Tourist Segmentation with Conjoint and Cluster Analysis. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 7(3), 491–501.