Analysis of the rhetorical ornament in the tourist publications on Facebook as a resource to generate interactions. Case study of the official website of the brand España




Facebook, Redes sociales


One of the main objectives of tourism brands in social networks is to convey unique experiences through sublime but compelling messages. For content to fulfil this role, they often resort to rhetorical ornamentation (tropes and literary figures) which play a crucial role in creating creative publications that delight and persuade the audience, thus improving their attitudes towards the destination evoked. This article analyses the rhetorical ornamentation used in the publications of the tourism profile on Facebook to determine which of them generate the most interaction among their community. A corpus of 50 publications has been manually classified and analysed. The findings indicate a predominant use of figures, especially Figures of Thought, where the subgroup Logic and Appellatives have been the most frequent. On the other hand, the most effective ornaments have been Invocations, exclamations, interrogations, definitions and sentences.


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How to Cite

Morcelo Ureña, A. I., Rodríguez de la Cruz, F. L., & de la Morena Taboada, M. (2018). Analysis of the rhetorical ornament in the tourist publications on Facebook as a resource to generate interactions. Case study of the official website of the brand España PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(1), 117–133.


