Network management in companies and tourist destinations


  • Luisa Andreu
  • Eduardo Parra



network management, Tourist destinations


A network, is a system of two or more relationships connected to each other, in terms of each exchange relationship between employers/agents, must be interpreted from a collaborative point of view (Emer- son, 1981). In other words, a network is a system of connected agents that perform various types of interaction activities with each other. Therefore, a network consists of "nodes" or positions (occupied by various actors such as companies, diversified strategic business units, business associations, academic associations, public associations, as well as other types of organizations)(Thorelli, 1986).


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How to Cite

Andreu, L., & Parra, E. (2007). Network management in companies and tourist destinations. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 5(3), 399–402.

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