Wine tourism in Uruguay: what do local visitors want?


  • Gianfranca María Camussi Calvi Ing. Agr. Magister
  • Jorge Iván Zamora González Ing. Agr. PhD



uruguay, Wine tourism, Segmentation of the wine tourist, Tourist Expectations


Uruguayan wine tourism is incipient. The current demand is made up of foreign tourists and local visitors; its future growth depends on the flow of local wine tourists, whose perceptions and aspirations are basic for the development of the strategy of products and services.  A survey of Montevideo residents evaluated the disposition towards wine tourism and determined their perceptions and expectations. The results indicate that the vast majority (86%) wish to carry out wine tourism. The factorial analysis revealed two groups of affinity in the visits to the winery, one that wishes to focus on tasting and buying, and the other that prefers to know the whole production process.  The other niche is based on complementary activities, and is also dichotomized into - one group wants gastronomy, culture and art, - while the other wants sports or outdoor activities. This is how we have identified the nature, range and breadth of services and activities for successful wine tourism that seeks total customer satisfaction and local visitor loyalty.


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How to Cite

Camussi Calvi, G. M., & Zamora González, J. I. (2016). Wine tourism in Uruguay: what do local visitors want?. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(4).


