The social relations like element of support to the development of the tourism in the social farming


  • jose maria prat forga
  • Gemma Cànoves Valiente



Social farming, social economy, solidarity tourism, social networks, Europe


Last years the social farming has been an economic emergent activity in the rural areas. Nevertheless, in order that his function of social and labour integration of groups at the risk of marginalization continues being sustainable financially with the crisis, there are necessary some additional incomes that complement his principal activity. One of them is the tourism of solidarity and proximity. In this work paper, after presenting the principal characteristics of the social farming and his evolution in West Europe, there are analysed three cases, in Italy, France and Spain, of establishments of social farming with a tourist complementary offer. Analyzing the social networks between the actors involved with this activity, we can confirme a direct relationship between this dynamic relational and the degree of development of the social farming and of the tourism associated with this activity.


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How to Cite

prat forga, jose maria, & Valiente, G. C. (2014). The social relations like element of support to the development of the tourism in the social farming. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 13(3), 551–566.


