José María Morillas Alcázar (ed.). El Observatorio en Turismo patrimonial sostenible en Andalucía: análisis, diagnóstico, adecuación, innovación y transferencia. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense, 2023.



Turismo cultural, Patrimonio, Paisaje, Sostenibilidad, Andalucía


The work El Observatorio en Turismo Patrimonial Sostenible en Andalucía: análisis, diagnóstico, adecuación, innovación y transferencia is the result of a project within the Campus de Excelencia Internacional en Patrimonio PatrimoniUn10, to present the most relevant results of the diversity of case studies. This work has the valuable contribution of an interdisciplinary group of experts in cultural heritage, who address this important element for Andalusian society, as a resource for use within the dynamics of tourism. This polarises results in which tourism is a great ally for the safeguarding of cultural heritage, and others in which it is a major problem for its preservation. After this analysis, the work, edited by José María Morillas Alcázar, agrees on the fundamental importance of sustainable practices for an adequate present and future of heritage tourism in Andalusia, with cultural landscapes as a reference point for this study.


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Morillas Alcázar, José María, ed. (2023). El Observatorio en Turismo patrimonial sostenible en Andalucía: análisis, diagnóstico, adecuación, innovación y transferencia. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense.



How to Cite

del Valle Mesa, L. (2024). José María Morillas Alcázar (ed.). El Observatorio en Turismo patrimonial sostenible en Andalucía: análisis, diagnóstico, adecuación, innovación y transferencia. Madrid: Ediciones Complutense, 2023. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 22(3), 625–629. Retrieved from