Analysis of the content conveyed by the tourism secretariats of the cities and host states of the 2014 World Cup in their facebook pages


  • Alexandre Augusto Biz
  • Clara Kamila Santos
  • Eduardo Michelloti Bettoni
  • Guilherme Mendez Thomas



World Cup FIFA 2014


The aim of the study was to analyse the content conveyed by the Municipal and State Tourist Offices of the twelve 2014 FIFA World Cup Host Cities and States in their Facebook fanpages. The studies by Torres (2009), Gabriel (2009), Safko and Brake (2010) and Barefoot and Szabo (2010) were used as references. The official fanpages were identified, followed by the collection of posts published there between 1 June and 31 July 2013, the period from pre to post-event of the FIFA Confederations Cup 2013. The method of data processing was the analysis of content from the perspective of Bardin (2011), which is divided into: i) pre-analysis using dedicated software, phase ii) exploration of the material and, iii) treatment of results, inference and interpretation. It was observed that the analyzed Secretariats made available diverse information to the users, including actions directed to the use of the aforementioned event. 


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How to Cite

Biz, A. A., Santos, C. K., Bettoni, E. M., & Thomas, G. M. (2016). Analysis of the content conveyed by the tourism secretariats of the cities and host states of the 2014 World Cup in their facebook pages. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(2).


