Towards touristic innovation in the hotel industry: Diamond Club product in the northern keys of Cuba.




product innovation, satisfaction, QFD, Diamond Club product, Cuba


Innovation is an activity of vital importance for diversification and positioning in the hotel industry, in addition to its impact on customer satisfaction and the competitiveness of the tourism sector. This research focuses on the design of products, considering the requirements of innovation for the satisfaction of VIP clients in the northern keys of Cuba, with emphasis on the case study of the Hotel Memories Flamenco. For this purpose, the idea generation technique is used, with the relative importance index, the Zabotinsky Matrix and the Quality Function Deployment for Product Innovation (QFDPI) tool. As part of the results, 9 ideas for new or improved products for the design of the tourist package are obtained, as well as competitive advantages for the requirements and specifications of the products; in addition to the introduction of 10 new and/or improved Diamond services aimed at satisfying the VIP client.


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How to Cite

Carballo Cruz, E., Yera, R., Maroto-Martos, J. C., & Pinos-Navarrete, A. (2024). Towards touristic innovation in the hotel industry: Diamond Club product in the northern keys of Cuba. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 22(4), 737–753.

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