Customer Perceptions and Strategies for Rural Tourism Accommodation


  • António J.D.V.T. Melo +351918166111
  • Eduardo Gonçalves
  • Carlos Silva Universidade da Maia



Online reviews, Market intelligence, Online visibility, Management response, Businesses performance


It is very important to highlight the understanding of the business consequences of online consumer reviews, online visibility, presence expertise of businesses, number of accommodations, market intelligence, and management response. The authors gathered data on rural tourism establishments (RTA) from a website leading infomediary for rural tourism, related to 235 French RTAs. The performance of RTAs and market intelligence was provided by complementary survey. The results of the study show how consumers position RTAs based on their positive perceptions help managers to understand what leads the consumer to position the RTA and which characteristics are most relevant. The implications of this study are for both tourism specialists and RTA managers who, in their pursuit of success, attempt to track and assess the real connections between the RTA's specific consumer positioning based on their insights, provided in the online review comments, defined business strategy, and management behavioral competencies.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)

Author Biography

António J.D.V.T. Melo, +351918166111

Dr. Melo is a Strategic Management and Marketing expert with a specialization in Information Communication Technology applications in the Tourism, Travel, Hospitality, and Leisure industries. Integrated researcher at CEDTUR - Tourism Development Studies Center: Maia, Porto, PT. Senior Lecturer at the Department of Communication Sciences and Information Technologies, University of Maia - ISMAI. Dr. Melo holds an International Ph.D. in Business Administration with a concentration in Tourism Management from the University of Salamanca (USAL), an M.Sc. degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Services from the University of Porto (UP) on Porto Business School (PBS former EGP-UPBS), an MBA degree in International Trade from the AEP Portuguese Business Association (IEP - Portuguese Business Institute) in partnership with ESADE Ramon Llull University, and a Graduate degree in Applied Maths/Informatics from the University Portucalense (UPT).
Dr. Melo is an integrated researcher of CEDTUR - Tourism Development Studies Center Lab from the University of Maia (UMAI) in partnership with CEGOT - Center of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning from the University of Coimbra (UC) and with CIAC - Center for Research in Communication Sciences and Arts from University of Algarve (UAlg). And as an integrated member of the Multidisciplinary Business Institute (IME) from the University of Salamanca.
Dr. Melos´ skill and expertise:
Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Tourism Research, Mixed Methods, Business Management, Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis.
Dr. Melo´s research focuses on the impact of information technologies on the hospitality and tourism industry, services and consumer behavior, tourism destinations, accommodation business performance, and information extraction. His research employs a Big Data analytics approach using user-generated content and text-mining techniques as well as statistical methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis. Dr. Melo lectures courses related to tourism, marketing, communication, and information systems. Presented papers in recognized international conferences, with work published in several specialty journals like the Journal of Travel Research, and with Springer in the ASTI Book Series. Dr. Melo has received the 2019-2020 Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Salamanca (USAL) and has received the 2019 "Comendador Rui Azinhais Nabeiro" Award for the Better Communication by Portuguese and Spanish authors or joint authorship with other authors from Latin America from the Management Department of the University of Évora (UE) in partnership with CEFAGE - Center for Advanced Studies in Management and Economics (UE). Dr. Melo has vast experience of more than 30 years in business consulting in multinational consulting, services, and manufacturing companies in several countries (CSC Ploenzke Portugal, Unión Fenosa Soluziona Spain, and Portugal, Norsistemas, Dourdin Portugal) as country manager, area manager, operations director, consulting director, and senior consultant.


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How to Cite

J.D.V.T. Melo, A., Gonçalves, E., & Silva, C. (2022). Customer Perceptions and Strategies for Rural Tourism Accommodation. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 20(5), 1171–1190.