The Pending Matter of Co-Management in Geotourism: an analysis of the Global Geopark El Hierro






The present study was designed to analyse community participation in the co-management of the UNESCO Global Geopark of El Hierro (The Canary Islands, Spain) after its first revalidation process in 2018 (where this aspect figured as central, pending attention) and previous to the 2022 revalidation. The study was carried out at the height of the crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and was planned to detect whether in the later process of regeneration, the island should finally tackle the co-management principle central to the socio-geological model of the UNESCO GLOBAL Geopark for resilience, and if the community itself perceived the need to take control of their own destiny and destination, above all in its aspect of geotourism. The preliminary results show clearly that the Global Geopark is considered to be important by the community and that there is also a strong desire for greater participation and implication than at present.


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How to Cite

Hernández Gutiérrez, L. E. ., & Povedano Marrugat, E. (2023). The Pending Matter of Co-Management in Geotourism: an analysis of the Global Geopark El Hierro. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(1), 37–51.