Influencia de las percepciones y actitudes gerenciales en la oferta enoturística en empresas vitivinícolas
Competitividad, comportamiento gerencial, actitudes, percepciones, enoturismoAbstract
This article aims to analyze the perceptions and attitudes of the managers of the wine and viticultural companies of the Guadalupe Valley regarding the offer of wine tourism activities, considering that wine tourism has been developing strongly in the northwest of the country through the wine routes in Baja California. For this, a quantitative methodology was carried out by means of the construction and validation of a measurement instrument to know its levels of reliability based on three constructs: perceptions, attitudes and wine tourism activities; having a representative sample of 64 companies, using structural equations with partial least squares (PLS). As a result, it is appreciated that managerial perceptions are competitively based on the threat of new competitors and new products; attitudes to the client portfolio and employee productivity; and wine tourism activities in tastings and tours.
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