Alternative tourism as a driver of cosmopolitanism
Cosmopolitanism, Alternative tourism, Solidarity, Global responsibilityAbstract
Cosmopolitanism is considered to be a way of life associated with travellers who are able to reach out to other societies. This approach produces greater tolerance, empathy, awareness and global belonging. This allows us to understand the world's problems (environmental, economic, social) as our own and forces us to reflect on the need to become directly involved. But in order to achieve a cosmopolitan world, it is necessary to promote mechanisms. In this sense, tourism, which inevitably involves the movement of people, is an important driver of change. Obviously not just any form of tourism, but that which achieves a symbiotic relationship between visitor and host community. This is why alternative tourism should be encouraged as an instrument of cosmopolitanism. The aim then is to reflect on the benefits of developing a cosmopolitan society and how alternative tourism could contribute to this philosophy of life.
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