Social value as a strategic factor in heritage and tourist management: The case of the Altamira Cave World Heritage Site (Spain)




Social value, Altamira World Heritage Site, Heritage Tourism , Heritage preservation, Stakeholders perspective, Tourism destination


The social dimension of value has become a cornerstone of the debate about tourism conservation, management and sustainability in relation to cultural heritage. This article examines the role of social value in heritage management and tourism promotion through the case of the Altamira Cave as a UNESCO World Heritage site by analysing the perspectives of non-expert actors in heritage management. To do this, two surveys were conducted, one aimed at visitors (1047 valid questionnaires) and the other at the Spanish population at large as the host community (1000 valid questionnaires). The results show how these agents interpret the existence, aesthetic, economic and legacy value in ways that differ from those of the experts, deepening the complex relationship between heritage promotion and preservation, and broadening the debate on how social value can contribute to strengthen the international and national image of heritage destinations in the face of the uncertain future of the global tourism market.


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How to Cite

Parga Dans, E., Alonso González, P., Otero Enríquez, R., Barreiro, D., & Criado Boado, F. (2021). Social value as a strategic factor in heritage and tourist management: The case of the Altamira Cave World Heritage Site (Spain) . PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 19(4), 675–693.