Between political rights and consumption: a heterodox vision of the concept of city


  • Margarita Barretto



Consumption, Citizenship, Migrant, Uruguay, Brazil


Some people don’t think that political rights (to vote and to be voted), or basic social rights (free education and health care) are essential to citizenship. Instead, they look forward the possibility of consumption of goods, even if that means less education and health services or the possibility of voting. This article was inspired by a little group of uruguaian migrants in Brazil which can be considered as emblematic of this type of consumption oriented citizenship.


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Author Biography

Margarita Barretto

Doctora en Educación, área de Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas. Es docente del Programa de Maestría en Turismo de la Universidad de Caxias do Sul (RS-Brasil).


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How to Cite

Barretto, M. (2004). Between political rights and consumption: a heterodox vision of the concept of city. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 2(1), 57–73.

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