Tourism Policies and Peronism. The Tourist Attractions Promoted in Visión de Argentina (1950)
Tourism, Peronism, Attractions, Tourism policy, Discursive practices, ArgentinaAbstract
The aim of this paper is to examine the discursive strategies articulated with the construction of a tourist Argentina (attractions, destinations, valuations and tourist practices) within the context of the first peronist government. We are interested in analyzing, in general terms, the configuration of a tourist Argentina, in relation to the construction of objects and places’ attractiveness during the peronist admini- stration. Specifically, we examine the discursive practices involved in the construction of a set of tourist images included in a tourism promotion document elaborated by an official department. In first place, we explore the development of both institutions and tourist practices in Argentina during that period. In second place, we analyze An Outline of Argentina (Visión de Argentina, 1950), a publication released in 1950 by General Management of National Parks and Tourism.
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