The Slavic gastronomy in Irati as a possibility of tourist attraction
culture, Slavic gastronomy, Irati-Pr, tourism, slavic inmigration, gastronomic tourismAbstract
This essay verifies offers of Slavic plates in the gastronomic establishments in Irati and the interest of the tourists and residents in proving of this gastronomy. In the city Poles and Ukrainians exist descending of, that keep gastronomic customs of ancestor. It is considered Slavic gastronomy as poten- tial for the tourism in Irati. Bibliographical research and of field research was become fulfilled, and was evidenced that the searched establishments offer one of main typical plates of the Slavic gastronomy, pierogi/perohê. However, the customers of the establishments have interest in proving other plates, and had chosen Saturday as optimum day of the week for such. Interest exists for offers of the Slavic ga- stronomy in Irati, as much for proprietors of the restaurants, how much for customers, however gastro- nomic establishments do not exist that supply this demand.
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