Wineries' Involvement in Promoting Tourism Online: The Case of Texas


  • Leslie Rasch
  • Ulrike Gretzel



wine tourism, online marketing, website, wine region, collaboration, wineries, strategic alliances


Wine tourism has become an important driver of business for wineries in many regions around the world, while Texas wine regions are only starting to emerge as important tourism destina- tions. A study was conducted to investigate how effectively Texas wineries market tourism to their own establishments as well as in a regional context.  A specific focus was placed on indications of collabora- tive wine tourism marketing practices on winery websites.   The results indicate that wineries provide basic visitor information but are missing out on strategic opportunities to market wine tourism to their areas.


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Author Biographies

Leslie Rasch

Leslie Rasch is an undergraduate student in the Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University and a research assistant at the Laboratory for Intelligent Systems in tourism. Her interests lie in cultural and wine tourism.  

Ulrike Gretzel

Dr. Ulrike Gretzel is an assistant professor in the Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University and Director of the Laboratory for Intelligent Systems in Tourism. Her research focuses on the representation of tourism experiences through emerging technologies.


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How to Cite

Rasch, L., & Gretzel, U. (2008). Wineries’ Involvement in Promoting Tourism Online: The Case of Texas. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(2), 317–326.