Restoration, Tourism and Valorization of Local Agro-Food Products: The Case of the Douro-Duero Cross-Border Area
agriculture, local products, distribution, restauran industry, tourism, douroAbstract
The paper is based upon the results of research developed in the frame of an INTERREG IIIA Project on small-scale agricultural productions and local development in the Douro-Duero region of Portugal and Spain, involving researchers from the Universities of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro and Salamanca. The paper reflects the results of survey and observation work looking at the roles of restau- rants, the importance of local fairs and markets, and the interest of visitors and tourists in local quality agrifood products. The following major conclusions are presented: local shops have little interest in acquiring these products directly from farmers; traditional gastronomy is a privileged way of promoting the valorisation of local quality agrifood products; tourism in the area has potential but it still quite inci- pient, but visitors and tourists look to buy these products.
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