Environmental management assessment of jungle hotels in Amazonia, Brazil


  • Adriana Gomes de Moraes




Hotels of forest, Ambient management


In the challenge of desvelar of that it forms the hoteleiros enterprises they manage its ambient action without causing great impacts in one of biggest ecosystems of the world, the Amazonian forest, was tried to know in this research the forms of ambient management of the located hotels of forest in the legal Amazônia. The norteadora question of the research was to know that type of ambient management is made by the hotels of selva?Foi used as instrument of collection of data the questionnaire, that if subdividiui in four great subjects to be searched. The first one was relative questions to the planning of the place, according to to the profile of the customer, third to the room and the relative questions architecture the building subject rela- tive questions to the energy resources and infrastructure of the public services. As result of this analysis was concluded that two of three hotels searched are practising management ambient of form less impactante, since type of construction adopted until services offered to guests, or either shows objective that its hotel is coadju- vante for customer that visits this type of place, that stops it does not import luxury, comfort and amenities, more yes contact with the fauna and flora and way of life of the natives.


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Author Biography

Adriana Gomes de Moraes

Adriana Gomes de Moraes. Mestre em Turismo e Hotelaria


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How to Cite

Gomes de Moraes, A. (2008). Environmental management assessment of jungle hotels in Amazonia, Brazil. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 6(3), 541–554. https://doi.org/10.25145/j.pasos.2008.06.040