Diagnosis of the historical and cultural heritage of the municipality of Zamora, as tourist attractions of the State of Aragua
historic and cultural heritage, touristic activity, touristic attractionsAbstract
A diagnosis of the actual conditions of the historic and cultural patrimony located at the mu- nicipality of Zamora, state of Aragua, Venezuela was done. A descriptive research done through a sur- vey was needed to do the inventory of the real state patrimony, religious festivities and handicraft of the municipality. The physical conditions and actual use of those elements of the patrimony were studied, as well as the plans and existing projects. The legal frame was analyzed. The representatives of the public organizations related with the touristic activity of the municipality, the visitors, historians and chronicler, gave their opinions. Results: Most of the heritages are well preserved. The cultural manifestations, fes- tivities, and handicraft are fairly performed but they are not used for the tourism purpose. There is a wide legal frame related with this patrimony. No plans were found for this historic heritage. The opinions determined that there is no public and private participation, but these sectors showed their interest in including the historic and cultural patrimony to the touristic offer of the municipality and the state.
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- Academic society
- PASOS. Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural
- Publisher
- Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)
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