The image of Andalusia in tourism.


  • David Florido del Corral



Image, Andalucía, tourism


It has been a constant among the Spanish Autonomous Communities to create autonomous organizations specialized in the promotion of tourism. In the case of Anda Luz, this effort has been developed by Turismo Andaluz, SA, through the marketing of the Andalusia brand in different segments -from sun and beach to sports, through various campaigns that have raised this company among the top of the ranking of tourism advertisers, as witnessed by Javier Hernandez in The image of Andalusia in tourism. The work forms part of a collection published by the Andalusian Studies Centre Foundation in which the subject of the research is a particular object, the image of Andalusia in various media (advertising, cinema, television, art). Hernández, by participating in this project, is forced to expand his repertoire of techniques and his methodological background and to take as his only objective not the social and cognitive life emerging from the relationships between subjects, but rather the designs produced by agencies with explicit intentions, although they are based on ideological resources which may be implicit and must be discovered. The unveiling of both, everything that forms the advertising discourse on the sea in Andalusia, is the subject of this work. If he succeeds in his task, it is largely because Hernández has paused to reconstruct the particular history of this dis- course over the last seven decades, since his efforts do not start from the constitution of Andalusian Tourism in recent times (1992), but go back to the inauguration of tourism promotion through institutional advertising, since the work of the National Tourism Board (1928). Thus, the fundamental aim of the work is to analyse the discourse that impregnates the posters (poster and advertisement forms) of the institutional campaigns of the public administrations on Andalusia, from 1928 to the present day. 


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How to Cite

Florido del Corral, D. (2010). The image of Andalusia in tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(2), 411–417.