The Ambiguous Image of Linz: Linz09 – European Capital of Culture


  • Elitza Iordanova-KrastevA
  • Eugenia Wickens
  • Ali Bakir



Destination Image, Linz, European Capital of Culture, Cognitive, Affective


The importance of destination image is widely recognised for its significant effect on the behavioural intentions of tourists. As such, efforts to build and/or improve destination images are critical to the success of destination tourism development. An important prerequisite for the successful long- term destination image improvement and promotion is the knowledge of tourists’ perceptions of the attributes of the destination’s image. This exploratory paper seeks to obtain some insight into this par- ticular knowledge and to provoke discussions by contrasting the projected image of Linz as a tourist destination promoted by its policy makers with the perceived image held by Linz’s potential tourists in the context of the European initiative, “Cultural Capital of Europe” 2009. The paper juxtaposes the re- sults of Linz’s 2008 image monitoring survey conducted by its policy makers with those of an explora- tory survey conducted for this study. The latter was designed to capture the image components of Linz held by a convenient sample of domestic and foreign potential tourists to Linz.


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Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo. Universidad de La Laguna (España) - Instituto Universitario da Maia ISMAI (Portugal)

Author Biographies

Elitza Iordanova-KrastevA

Ph.D candidate, Buckinghamshire New University

Eugenia Wickens

Professors, Buckinghamshire New University.

Ali Bakir

Professors, Buckinghamshire New University.


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How to Cite

Iordanova-KrastevA, E., Wickens, E., & Bakir, A. (2010). The Ambiguous Image of Linz: Linz09 – European Capital of Culture. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 8(3), 67–77.