Destination diversification through gastronomy tourism: the case of Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona)


  • Maria del Pilar Leal Londoño



Gastronomy tourism, Food, Catalonia, Diversifying tourism, Tourist resources


The development of tourism and, in particular public administration has sought to adapt to new trends and demands of the tourist market (Fayos-Solá, 2004), thus generating one of the most remarkable and structural changes which constitutes the emergence of new touristical dynamics (Lopez Palomeque and X. Font, 2010), one of which is Catalonia that searches in gastronomy  tourism, a  product and an alternative  di- versification for the touristic offer. In order to diversify the offer, historically concentrated in the sun and beach tourism, The City of Vilanova i la Geltrú opted for gastronomy tourism, from the creation and promotion of the “ Gastronomy city plan” thorugh articulating public and private . Vilanova is an area of particular interest because of its proximity to Barcelona makes it a scenario that is constantly looking for authenticity and differentiation of a highly competitive tourism brand. This paper examines the gastronomic resource of Vilanova together with public and private actions to strengthen this diversification of tourism through the application of the methodolo- gy SWOT as an analytical tool, which allows us to observe their strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities related to the gastronomy of the area.


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Author Biography

Maria del Pilar Leal Londoño

Personal Investigador a nivel de Doctorado. Departamento de Geografía Física y Análisis Geográfico Regional  Universidad de Barcelona.


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How to Cite

Leal Londoño, M. del P. (2011). Destination diversification through gastronomy tourism: the case of Vilanova i la Geltru (Barcelona). PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 9(1), 15–24.