Marketing strategies in the planning and management of military cultural heritage: a case study
Cultural heritage, Museums, Management, Cultural tourism, Culture of defenceAbstract
The Ministry of Defense of the Government of Spain guards a rich cultural heritage, considered one of the most relevant attractions of the Spanish tourist and cultural offer. The management that, under the denomination of Diffusion of the Culture of Defense, carries out the Ministry of Defense for the putting in value of this patrimony, has contributed considerably so much to its diffusion in the society as to the dynamization of the local economies, impelling as well the development of the tourist sector. This research aims to study the management that, under the focus of marketing, the Ministry of Defense carries out with the dual purpose of disseminating it to the whole population, and especially to civil society, and to preserve the assets that make it up. For this purpose, the case method has been used as a research methodology, with the Naval Museum located in the Spanish town of San Fernando (Cadiz) being the object of the study.
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