Magic for who? A critical analysis of tourism exchange at Disney World


  • Paola Rodrigues de Matos
  • Maria de Lourdes Borges



Exchange tourism, Emotional management, Disney.


This research paper aims to analyze the perceptions of enchantment and/or disenchantment of Brazilian students who have experienced a cultural exchange program working at Walt Disney World (Orlando) and its organizational culture. We have conducted a qualitative research study with 17 Brazilian former students who worked at Disney between 2008 and 2013. We argue that, through both enchantment and magic, the Exchange students perform their work in an emotional labor environment within the affective organizational culture of Disney, which promotes unconditional feelings of happiness and joy among those employees. The employees’ pleasant disposition is commercially exploited and turned into profit for the company through managing employees’ feelings, when emotional regulation happens due to both a lack of critical thinking and disenchantment because of the exhausting physical and emotional demands made by the company.


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How to Cite

Matos, P. R. de, & Borges, M. de L. (2018). Magic for who? A critical analysis of tourism exchange at Disney World. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 16(2), 415–428.


