The important role of the international university student as an engine for the promotion and development of international educational tourism, as a modality within language tourism


  • Maria Isabel Castillo Arredondo
  • Maria Isabel Rodríguez Zapatero
  • Tomás López-Guzmán



International educational tourism, Language, Culture, International university student


Nowadays, the international educational tourism is growing very positively every year, mainly between international college students and specifically among international Erasmus students. In the case of Spain, especially Cordoba, we verify the existence of a real and increasing demand for international college students. In this sense, this paper is set to shed light onto the motivations of international students at the University of Cordoba which lead to international educational tourism in this city with the objective of creating other ways of promotion to attract more international educational students and to develop other types of tourism. Among the reasons for choosing Cordoba as a destination city, learning the language turns out to be the main reason to come to Cordoba to study. Aside from linguistic reasons, international college students choose Cordoba as a tourist destination because of its geographical situation.


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How to Cite

Castillo Arredondo, M. I., Rodríguez Zapatero, M. I., & López-Guzmán, T. (2017). The important role of the international university student as an engine for the promotion and development of international educational tourism, as a modality within language tourism. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(2), 471–480.




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