Perception of the heritage tourism resources of a territory. Inhabitants, tourists and officials of the circuit "The soul of Don Vasco", Patzcuaro, Mexico.


  • Katya Meredith García Quevedo Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro
  • Eugenio Mercado López Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo



Conservación, Percepción, Pátzcuaro, Promoción turística, Recursos turístico-patrimoniales


The proper management of a tourist territory includes among its key premises an understanding of how heritage resources are socially conceived. This is why the present text addresses the perception of these assets from both the heritage and the tourist sphere, emphasizing the methodological approach to study the meaning of these resources in the real everyday life of the communities. The study was applied in populations of the circuit "El alma de Don Vasco", located in the region of Lake Patzcuaro, Mexico, through an open exploration with a mixed questionnaire, taking as a reference the representation of heritage resources in official tourist images. As a result, it was possible to identify the perception of the inhabitants about the cultural elements that are shown as a tourist attraction; what they wish to show to the visitor or only preserve for their community and for their next generations; as well as the divergences with the vision of tourists and officials. This makes it possible to establish key elements for the management of cultural assets offered to tourism.


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Author Biography

Eugenio Mercado López, Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

 Doctor en Arquitectura (Arquitectura)


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How to Cite

García Quevedo, K. M., & Mercado López, E. (2023). Perception of the heritage tourism resources of a territory. Inhabitants, tourists and officials of the circuit "The soul of Don Vasco", Patzcuaro, Mexico. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 21(2), 337–362.