Cuisine and territory: between commodification and heritage




Culinary tourism, Patrimonialisation, Commoditisation, Territory, Otherness, Chile


The text reflects on an IAP project of culinary tourism based on the enhancement of the peasant and indigenous food heritage, developed in the South of Chile. It reflects on the tourism of territory and food, and its implications for the repoliticization of the place. From the case, it will be argued that the processes of patrimonialization and touristification are heterogeneously experienced and are the terrain of struggles for hegemony, with the risk of the hegemony of expert knowledge. Likewise, we maintain that the processes of culinary commoditization are always complex but not necessarily negative, to the extent that they are controlled by local communities. Finally, the construction of the tourist attraction risks that the category of "the other" will be imposed on the category of "the just", so that the promotion of small-scale production without a problematization of the political and economic context, entails new forms of cultural colonization as a factor and super-aesthetization of local cultures.


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How to Cite

Cid Aguayo, B. E., Fernández Castillo, S. V., & Carrasco Henríquez, N. G. (2019). Cuisine and territory: between commodification and heritage. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 17(2), 373–388.




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