The relationship between tourism and image in Pará's gastronomy
Photography, Tourism, GastronomyAbstract
To understand the existing relationships between photographic image and tourism was the purpose of this academic work, and the gastronomy of Para was chosen as the focus. The Para gastronomy is considered as one of the most genuine in Brazil mainly on account of its direct links to its roots, the natural resources of Amazon Region. The literature with respect to tourism, image and gastronomy have been reviewed and research of a qualitative and quantitative nature carried out in line with the major findings of this analysis. Among the most highlighted results, the importance of images as a promotional resource for Pará gastronomy was underscored as it was revealed that most tourists had no previous access to photographic images of the Pará gastronomy before their arrival in Belém although images of gastronomy are highly esteemed by the companies interviewed.
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