Sustainability in the Mexican tourism policy
Tourism sustainability, Tourism policy, Tourism governance, Mexican tourism, Agenda 21Abstract
In this chapter, a historiographic review is made of the evolution of sustainability in Mexican tourism policy in recent years, and an assessment is made of the results achieved in its implementation. Three phases have been identified as a result of this exercise: embryonic (1970-1990), formative (1990-2000) and consolidation (2000-2015). It can be concluded that although the discourse that accompanies tourism policy in recent years outlined the emergence of a new model of tourism development and subsequently recognised and incorporated sustainability as a fundamental component and a desired condition, this discourse is far from being translated into everyday practice for two reasons: the lack of instruments for its induction and the absence of a social consensus with the policy itself, which ends up limiting its scope, in the best of cases, to the duration of a six-year period.
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