The correspondence between the construction of authentic experiences and the interpretation of heritage. Reflections from the point of view of existential authenticity


  • Elisa Rico Cánovas



cultural heritage, authenticity, heritage experiencie, cultural tourism, tourism demand


This article addresses the relationship between the concept of authenticity and cultural heritage. We analyze the meeting points between both terms that are considered key to understand the different cultural tourism nowadays, characterized by the special relevance that is attributed to the emotional and sensorial component. These experiences are framed within the new behavioural and motivational trends that can be observed from the side of tourist demand, which are the result of the social context that determines the characteristics of tourists, their preferences and the tourist practices they wish to develop, in which the sensorial and emotional component constitutes one of the most relevant aspects that can define contemporary cultural tourism. In this sense, it highlights the obvious possibilities offered by the interpretation of heritage for the creation of heritage experiences that could be called authentic.


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How to Cite

Rico Cánovas, E. (2016). The correspondence between the construction of authentic experiences and the interpretation of heritage. Reflections from the point of view of existential authenticity. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(2).


