The image of the tourist destination as a tool to differentiate and promote tourism: Case of Barra Grande/PI - Brazil
tourism image, imagin, tourism, Barra GrandeAbstract
This paper analyzes the importance of the image of tourist destination at the beach of Barra Grande, located in Cajueiro da Praia/PI-Brazil. According to what was analyzed through the perception of tourists, it was possible to observe how this image formed by tourists is understood, along with the results and the corresponding factors that contributed to this image formation. This theme, which serves as a tool for differentiating and promoting tourism, in addition to intervene in the selection process, is essential to the instigation of the consumer to visit the destination. Thus, as the tourist product is intangible, it is proved through descriptions and pictures how important the imaginary image creation is, and what to do through the use of marketing strategies to reach a target audience. In such a way, the results were significant, which gave importance and value to the image of the destination studied.
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