Social dynamics of rural tourism: imaginary and cultural rhythms Sierras de la Ventana, Argentina
rural tourism, imaginaries, Cultura hythms, sierras de la ventana, ArgentinaAbstract
This article presents an anthropological study on the dynamics of rural tourism in the tourist region "Sierras de la Ventana" (Argentina), based on the analysis of the social imaginaries and the rhythms of life of different groups of interlocutors (tourists, technicians and officials). The field work was carried out during the experience of working as an advisor to two rural tourism association groups, between 2010 and 2014, formed to organize and strengthen a rural tourism offer in that region. First, the systematized imaginaries were presented through ethnographic work to interpret the different ways of conceiving "tourist development", and then the cultural rhythms (sets of life rhythms) were analyzed to understand the tourist experiences that energize rural tourism in the region. Finally, the link between heritage, tourism and the search for a change in the rhythm of life in the practice of tourism is explored.
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