Internet Travel Comments: Factors influencing the intention to choose a travel destination


  • Danilo Serafim da Silva Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
  • Luiz Mendes-Filho Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)
  • Cynthia Corrêa



Tourism, Internet, User generated content, Travel comments on the internet


The User Generated Content (CGU) has acquired significant importance as a decision-making factor in the process of purchasing tourism products and services via the Internet, as well as the choice of tourist destinations. For this work, the Theory of Planned Behavior (TCP) was used to analyze the use of Internet Travel Comments (CVI), as an influential factor in the intention of choosing a travel destination. This is a quantitative and descriptive-exploratory survey, with a survey-like data survey of 135 people, whose results were analyzed through the Modeling of Structural Equations with the Partial Least Squares technique. It was found that most people use CVI, concluding that the use of CVI can influence the intention of choosing a tourist destination for people planning trips online.


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Author Biography

Danilo Serafim da Silva, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

Bacharel em Turismo


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How to Cite

Silva, D. S. da, Mendes-Filho, L., & Corrêa, C. (2017). Internet Travel Comments: Factors influencing the intention to choose a travel destination. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 15(1), 229–244.


