From sacrifice to leisure in Jalisco, Mexico


  • Jose Luis Cornejo-Ortega Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Edmundo Andrade Romo Universidad de Guadalajara
  • Rosa María Chavez Dagostino Universidad de Guadalajara



tourism, pilgrim, pleasure, pilgrimage


Religious tourism, tourism in sacred spaces or mythical tourism has grown considerably, over 30 million of people move annually just for religious motivation and are estimated an economic benefit for 680 million of dollars. This paper aims to establish the pilgrims ‘motivation to visit sanctuaries in six localities of Jalisco state and analyze whether it relates to the pilgrim´s idea of sacrifice and faith or to the leisure and pleasure idea of tourists dedicated to experience religious phenomenon from the perspective of cultural tourism, which faces the idea of an alternative tourism, and the degree of transition between religious enclosure and tourist attractions. It can be affirm that Jalisco in relation to religious tourism, pilgrim condition predominates (sacrifice) on visitors; the sacred spaces and their cultural contents still fulfill the function of generating enabling environments for worship and contemplation.


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How to Cite

Cornejo-Ortega, J. L., Andrade Romo, E., & Chavez Dagostino, R. M. (2016). From sacrifice to leisure in Jalisco, Mexico. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(2).




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