Cheese as a tourist resource for regional development: the Vall de Boí as a case study


  • Francesc Fusté Forné Universitat de Girona



Authenticity, Regional Development, Pyrenees, Cheese Tourism, Gastronomic Tourism, Vall De Boí.


Food tourism is a tourist typology that, even being or not the main motivation of tourist movement, is present on any trip. It means a source of income while also implies synergies that benefit the development of the local community. This paper discusses how cheese acts as a resource and also as a tool for the development of local producers, from a qualitative point of view. That is why it is analyzed how the cheese is used in the menus of the restaurants in the Vall de Boí, a UNESCO’s World Heritage Site in the Catalan Pyrenees.


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How to Cite

Fusté Forné, F. (2015). Cheese as a tourist resource for regional development: the Vall de Boí as a case study. PASOS Revista De Turismo Y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(1), 243–251.


