Degree of sustainability of the Catalan tourist areas
Sustainable touirsm, Indicators, Tourist areas, Tourism model, Multi-criteriaAbstract
The contribution of tourism in terms of production, employment and income is very significant in Catalonia, being one of the engines of its economy. Despite the macroeconomic figures, the Strategic Plan for Tourism in Catalonia indicates that the main challenge it must face as a tourist destination is sustainable development. To this end, and as a preliminary step to a process of transformation towards sustainable models, those destinations that base their tourism model on unsustainable criteria must be identified. The aim of the study is to analyse the degree of sustainability of the Catalan tourist areas, in order to determine those that have high, moderate and low levels of sustainable tourism. This is achieved through the multi-criteria technique that allows for the inclusion of variables related to sustainable tourism from an environmental, socio-cultural and economic point of view. Subsequently, the predominant tourism model in the less sustainable areas is determined, in order to detect which tourism models should face the most changes in accordance with sustainable tourism.
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