Ecotourism and sustainable development. A case study in rural communities of Dominican Republic
Ecotourism, Rural Communities, Sustainable development, Natural resources, Dominican RepublicAbstract
Ecotourism is configured as an economic activity that promotes sustainable development in the destinations,
acquiring this importance in developing areas. So, the knowledge of the perceptions of the local population improves the tourism development. The aim of this research was the analysis of the perception of local residents towards sustainable ecotourism development and residents’ attachment to the rural communities. The study was conducted in a rural geographical destination, through a quantitative technique. The results show that residents have a high perception of ecotourism as an activity that promotes sustainable development, and therefore, the attachment to the community is high. The main conclusion of this research is that the Saltos de la Damajagua Natural Monument is perceived as a sustainable resource for rural communities.
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